2024-01-03 14:07:19
PVC Leather: A Durable and Water-resistant Alternative to Genuine Leather
: A Durable and Water-resistant Alternative to Genuine Leather

Арьс нь тавилга, хувцас, гутал, аксессуар зэрэг олон төрлийн хэрэглээнд түгээмэл материал юм. Гэхдээ арьс нь өндөр өртөг, байгаль орчинд нөлөөлөх, засвар үйлчилгээний асуудал зэрэг зарим сул талтай. Тийм учраас олон хүн арьснаас ижил ашиг тустай боловч сөрөг тал багатай хувилбаруудыг хайж байна. Хамгийн түгээмэл хувилбаруудын нэг нь винил эсвэл поливинилхлорид арьс гэж бас нэрлэгддэг PVC арьс юм. Энэ өгүүлэлд бид PVC арьс гэж юу болох, жинхэнэ арьс болон бусад синтетик арьснаас юугаараа ялгаатай, яагаад олон зорилгоор сайн сонголт болохыг авч үзнэ. Бид мөн танилцуулъя, a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality PVC leather products.

Customizable Smooth PVC Saddle Leather for Making S

has some advantages and disadvantages compared to genuine leather and other synthetic leathers, such as PU leather and . Here are some of the main differences:

Water and Stain Resistance:PVC leather is highly resistant to water and stains, making it ideal for outdoor use and for applications that require frequent cleaning and sanitizing, such as medical equipment, restaurant furniture, and children's products. PVC leather can also withstand exposure to sunlight, humidity, and temperature changes, without fading or cracking.Fire Resistance:PVC leather has a high fire resistance, as it can self-extinguish and prevent the spread of flames. PVC leather can also meet the fire safety standards of various industries and countries, such as the B1 level in China. PVC leather is suitable for applications that require high fire safety, such as public transportation, hotels, and cinemas.Versatility and Customization:PVC leather can be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of different customers and markets. PVC leather can be dyed and textured to create various colors and patterns, such as animal prints, floral prints, geometric shapes, and more. PVC leather can also be embossed, printed, laminated, or perforated to create different effects and styles. PVC leather can be used to make a wide range of products, such as sofas, chairs, cushions, curtains, wallets, belts, jackets, and more.

Cigno Leather болон түүний бүтээгдэхүүний талаар илүү ихийг мэдэхийн тулд [https://wxegah4j.okkishop.site/] хаягаар орж үзэх эсвэл [[email protected]] хаягаар орж үйлчлүүлэгчийн үйлчлэлийн багтай холбоо барьж болно. Cigno Leather бол таны синтетик арьсны бүх хэрэгцээнд таны найдвартай хамтрагч юм.