Applikazzjoni tal-ġilda tal-PVC fl-industrija tal-karozzi
Ġilda tal-PVC, also named viynl leather is one of the most widely used leathers in the Ġilda artifiċjali industry. The PVC series of articles will systematically introduce the most commonly used fields of PVC leather. Such as the automotive industry, furniture industry,Interior decoration, etc.Dan l-artikolu prinċipalment jintroduċi l-applikazzjoni tal-ġilda tal-PVC fl-industrija tal-karozzi.
PVC leather is widely used in the automotive industry due to its long service life of up to 7-10 years, not easy to peel, high cost performance and other characteristics. It is the first choice for automotive leather.
(1) PVC Leather for Car Seat Cover
As the leather of car seats, PVC leather needs to meet higher physical requirements, such as fire protection requirements required to ensure personal safety and reduce accidental injuries, such as no need to worry about the seat being scratched by the sharp claws of pets when traveling, such as the need to be able to withstand a large weight of tension, etc.
(2) PVC Leather for Car Upholstery
In addition to being used in car seats, PVC leather can also be used as an interior material on car doors and dashboards, with good viscosity and non-melting adhesive. It can meet the requirements of UV resistance, alcohol resistance, wear resistance, etc.
(2) PVC Leather for Car mat
PVC leather can also be used with sponge or foam to make car anti-skid mats, which can be laid under the feet to prevent slipping and stains.
The next article will introduce the application of PVC leather in furniture.
CIGNO Synthetic Manifattur tal-Ġilda hija impenjata li tipprovdilek servizzi integrati. B'aktar minn 16-il sena ta 'esperjenza OEM/ODM u persunal b'esperjenza tal-kummerċ barrani, is-servizzi tagħna huma rikonoxxuti ħafna minn aktar minn 200 klijent. Il-produzzjoni ta 'kull xahar ta' 8 linji ta 'produzzjoni hija sa 20,000 metru, li jistgħu jissodisfaw il-bżonnijiet tiegħek fi kwalunkwe ħin!
CIGNO Fornitur tal-ġilda sintetika"s prodotti ewlenin jinkludu PĠilda VC, Ġilda tal-mikrofibra, ġilda mingħajr solvent, ġilda tas-silikon, eċċ., Li huma ġlud ta 'kwalità għolja għall-għamara u l-industriji tal-karozzi!