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Id-dar>Ġilda tal-PVC Għall-Għamara

Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa
Custom Printing Microfiber Designer Leather Fabric Artificial Synthetic Leather for Handbag Car Furniture Sofa

Stampar tad-Dwana Mikrofiber Disinjatur Drapp tal-Ġilda Ġilda Artifiċjali Ġilda Sintetika għal Sufan tal-Għamara tal-Karozzi handbag

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ġilda tal-mikrofiber is the highest quality grade synthetic leather (faux leather or PU leather), a high-tech simulation of high-end leather material. Cici Microfiber Leather is simulated the structure of natural leather, using sea-island superfine micro fiber (ultra-fine fiber bundle), and high-grade polyurethane resins as raw materials, using needle punched nonwoven technology of 3D structure, has a lot of similar characters as natural leather, however better physical & chemical performance, has been widely popular around the world.


Waterproof, elastiku, anti-moffa, reżistenti għall-brix

Post tal-Oriġini

Guangdong, iċ-Ċina

Backing Technics







0.6mm-1.5mm / Personalizzat


Kaxxa taż-żraben/borża/notebooks


Kulur Personalizzat


Appoġġ Innittjat


1 Metru


A4 Kampjun


  • 1.Q: Kif dwar MOQ tiegħek?

A: 1metru. Jekk m'għandniex ħażna jew materjali personalizzati, MOQ huwa 500meters sa 1000meters kull kulur.

2.Q: Kif tipprova l-ġilda ekoloġiċi tiegħek?

A: Nistgħu nsegwu r-rekwiżiti tiegħek biex nilħqu l-istandards li ġejjin: REACH, California Proposition 65, (UE) NO.301/2014, eċċ.

  • 3. Q: Tista 'tiżviluppa kuluri ġodda għalina?

A: Iva nistgħu. Tista 'tipprovdilna kampjuni tal-kulur, allura nistgħu niżviluppaw id-dips tal-laboratorju għall-konferma tiegħek Fi żmien 7-10 ijiem.

  • 4.Q: Tista 'tbiddel il-ħxuna skont id-domanda tagħna?

A: Iva. L-aktar il-ħxuna tagħnaĠilda artifiċjali is 0.6mm-1.5mm,but we can develop different thickness for customers according to their usage. Such as

0.6mm, 0.8mm, 0.9mm, 1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm.ect

  • 5.Q: Tista 'tbiddel id-drapp ta' appoġġ skont id-domanda tagħna?

A: Iva. Nistgħu niżviluppaw drapp ta 'appoġġ differenti għall-klijenti skont l-użu tagħhom.

  • 6.Q: Kif dwar il-ħin taċ-ċomb tiegħek?

A: Madwar 15 sa 30 jum meta tirċievi d-depożitu tiegħek



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